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Loading babynames

Before we begin, let’s learn a little about our data. The babynames dataset comes in the {babynames} package. The package is pre-installed for you, just as {ggplot2} was pre-installed in the last tutorial. But unlike in the last tutorial, I have not pre-loaded {babynames}, or any other package.

What does this mean? In R, whenever you want to use a package that is not part of base R, you need to load the package with the command library(). Until you load a package, R will not be able to find the datasets and functions contained in the package. For example, if we asked R to display the babynames dataset, which comes in the {babynames} package, right now, we’d get the message below. R cannot find the dataset because we haven’t loaded the {babynames} package.

Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'babynames' not found

To load the {babynames} package, you would run the command library(babynames). After you load a package, R will be able to find its contents until you close R. The next time you open R, you will need to reload the package if you wish to use it again.

This might sound like an inconvenience, but choosing which packages to load keeps your R experience simple and orderly.

In the chunk below, load {babynames} (the package) and then open the help page for babynames (the dataset). Be sure to read the help page before going on.


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